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发布时间 :2023-03-21    信息员: 

赖宁薇 (LaiNing-Wei









2004.09-2010.07, 中国农业大学资源与环境科学学院, 获农学博士学位

2000.09-2004.07, 福建农林大学红宝石9999hbs, 获农学学士学位


  1. Lai NW, Zheng ZC, Hua D, Zhang J, Chen HH, Ye X, Huang ZR, Guo JX, Yang LT, Chen LS. Molecular and Physiological Responses of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) Leaves to Long-term Low pH Revealed by RNA-Seq Integrated with Targeted Metabolomics. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022.23,5844

  2. Liu Y1, Lai NW1, Gao K, Chen FJ, Yuan LX, Mi GH ., Ammonium inhibits primary root growth by reducing the length of meristem and elongation zone and dereasing elemental expansion rate in the root apex in arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE, 2013,8(4)e61031

  3. Huang HY, Ren QQ, Lai NW, Peng, MY., Zhang, J., Yang, LT., Huang, ZR., Chen, LS. Metabolomics combined with physiology and transcriptomics reveals how Citrus grandis leaves cope with copper-toxicity. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 2021, 223, 112579.

  4. Zhang J, Chen XF, Huang WT, Chen HH, Lai NW, Yang LT, Huang ZR, Guo J, Ye X, Chen LS. Mechanisms for increased pH-mediated amelioration of copper toxicity in Citrus sinensis leaves using physiology, transcriptomics and metabolomics. Environ. Exp. Bot. 2022, 196, 104812.

  5. Long An, Huang WL, Qi YP, Yang LT, Lai NW, Guo JX and Chen LS. Low pH effects on reactive oxygen species and methylglyoxal metabolisms in Citrus roots and leaves. BMC Plant Biology,2019,19:477

  6. Long An, Zhang J, Yang LT, Ye X, Lai NW, Tan LL, Lin D and Chen LS. Effects of Low pH on Photosynthesis, Related Physiological Parameters, and Nutrient Profiles of Citrus. Frontiers in plant science. 2017(8): Article 185.

  7. Mi GH, Chen FJ, Wu QP, Lai NW, Yuan LX, Zhang FS. Ideotype root architecture for efficient nitrogen acquisition by maize in intensive cropping systems. SCIENCE CHINA Life. 2010.53(12): 1369-1373

  8. 米国华,赖宁薇,陈范骏,刘鹰,张福锁.细菌、真菌及植物氮营养信号研究进展植物营养与肥料学报.2008, 14(5):1008-1016





  1. 2020-2023年 主持福建省平和县蜜柚园耕地土壤退化质量监测

  2. 2017-2019年 主持校科技创新项目“低pH对雪柑中活性氧代谢及相关基因表达的影响”已结题

  3. 2012-2015年 主持福建省自然科学基金青年基金项目 “生长素在异质性氮素供应调节拟南芥侧根生长中的作用机制研究”已结题

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