研究方向 微生物及颗粒物在多孔介质中的迁移 工作经历 2023.08 ~ 至今 福建农林大学,红宝石9999hbs,讲师 2021.10 ~ 2023.05 美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,土木与环境工程系,博士后 2017.08 ~ 2021.06 美国史蒂文斯理工学院,土木、环境和海洋工程系,教学助理 2018.05 ~ 2018.09 纽约州环境保护部,纽约市皇后区分部,水质调查员 教育经历 2016.08 ~ 2021.08 美国史蒂文斯理工学院,土木、环境和海洋工程系,博士 2014.08 ~ 2015.12 美国佐治亚理工学院,土木与环境工程系,硕士 2010.09 ~ 2014.07 东华大学,环境科学与工程学院,学士 代表性论著: Zhang, D., Liu, T., and Prigiobbe, V.* Enhanced solute transport in porous media due to pH-dependent adsorption and transverse dispersion. Advances in Water Resources, 2022, 164, 104195. Zhang, D. and Prigiobbe, V.* Measuring and modeling the influence of salinity change on the transport behaviour of Escherichia coli through quartz sand. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2022, 248, 104016. Zhang, D., Li, Q. and Prigiobbe, V.* Population balance modeling of homogeneous viral aggregation. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 247, 117035. Zhang, D., Zabarankin, M. and Prigiobbe, V.* Modeling salinity-dependent transport of viruses in porous media. Advances in Water Resources, 2019, 127, 252-263. Haggerty, R., Zhang, D., Eun, J., Li, Y.* Characterization of Bubble Transport in Porous Media Using a Microfluidic Channel. Water, 2023, 15(6), 1033. Hussain, K.A., Romanova, S., Okur, I., Zhang, D., Kuebler, J., Huang, X., Wang, B., Fernandez-Ballester, L., Lu, Y., Schubert, M. and Li, Y.* Assessing the Release of Microplastics and Nanoplastics from Plastic Containers and Reusable Food Pouches: Implications for Human Health. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57, 26, 9782-9792.
奖励与荣誉: 2020年 史蒂文斯学院优秀博士生 2019年 哈德逊河基金会波尔格奖学金 2013年 上海宝钢奖学金