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发布时间 :2023-09-15    信息员: 

马怡斐(Ma Yi-Fei








2023.08-至今 福建农林大学红宝石9999hbs,讲师

2018.09-2023.01 中国农业大学环境科学与工程专业,博士

2021.04-2022.04 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学经济系环境经济学和自然资源组,联合培养博士

2015.09-2018.06 中国农业大学农业资源利用专业,硕士

2011.09-2015.07 西北农林科技大学动物科学专业,本科


1. Ma Y, Hou Y*, Zhang T, Zhu X, Fang Q, Oenema O. Decreasing environmental footprints of dairy production systems through optimization of feed rations and origins [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 461, 142637.

2.Ma Y, Hou Y*, Dong P, Velthof G L, Long W, Ma L, Ma W, Jiang R, Oenema O. Cooperation between specialized livestock and crop farms can reduce environmental footprints and increase net profits in livestock production [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 302: 113960.

3.Ma Y#,Zhang L#, Bai Z, Jiang R, Hou Y*, Ma L. Nutrient use efficiency and losses of industrial farms and mixed smallholdings: lessons from the North China Plain[J]. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 2021, 8 (1): 58–71.

4. Wu L, Yan X*, Huang J, Xu X, Zhang S, Cui S, ... & Ma Y*. Towards sustainable fruit production: Identifying challenges and optimization strategies[J]. Agricultural Systems, 2024, 221: 104132.

5. Yan X#, Ma Y#, Kong K, Muneer M. A, Zhang L, Zhang Y, ... Wu L*, & Zhang, F. Mitigating life-cycle environmental impacts and increasing net ecosystem economic benefits via optimized fertilization combined with lime in pomelo production in Southeast China[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 912: 169007.

6.Fang Q#, Ma Y#, Zhang X, Wei S, Hou Y*. Mitigating Nitrogen Emissions from Dairy Farming Systems in China[J]. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2020, 4: 44.

7.马怡斐,柏兆海,马林*.栾城城郊型农牧系统养分流动与环境排放时空特征[J].中国农业科学, 2018, 51(03): 493-506.

8. 马怡斐,江荣风,柏兆海,马林*.河北省典型县农牧体系养分流动及承载力研究[J].畜牧业环境, 2019, (01): 30-34.

9. Wang H, Zhang X, Ma Y, Hou Y*. Mitigation potential for carbon and nitrogen emissions in pig production systems: lessons from the North China Plain[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 725: 138482.

10. Long W, Wang H, Hou Y*, Chadwick D, Ma Y, Cui Z, Zhang F. Mitigation of Multiple Environmental Footprints for China’s Pig Production Using Different Land Use Strategies[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(8): 4440-4451.

11. Zhang T, Hou Y*, Meng T, Ma Y, Tan M, Zhang F, Oenema O. Replacing synthetic fertilizer by manure requires adjusted technology and incentives: A farm survey across China[J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 168: 105301.

12. Tan M, Hou Y*, Zhang L, Shi S, Long W, Ma Y, Zhang T, Li F, Oenema, O. Operational costs and neglect of end-users are the main barriers to improving manure treatment in intensive livestock farms[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 289: 125149.

13. Tan M, Hou Y*, Zhang L, Shi S, Long W, Ma Y, Zhang T, Oenema O. Nutrient use efficiency of intensive dairy farms in China–Current situation and analyses of options for improvement[J]. Agricultural Systems, 2022, 203: 103495.

14. Tan M, Hou Y*, Zhang L, Ma Y, Long W, Gao C, Liu P, Fang Q, Dai G, Shi S, Reijneveld A, Oenema O. Relationships between livestock density and soil phosphorus contents–County and farm level analyses[J]. CATENA, 2023, 222: 106817.

15. Tan M, Hou Y*, Zhang L, Shi S, Long W, Ma Y, Zhang T, Oenema O. Decision-making environment of low-protein animal feeding in dairy and poultry farms in China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2023, 127(1): 85-96.


1. 本科生:《土壤学》、《植物营养研究法》

2. 研究生:《农化产品高效利用(案例)》、《肥料资源与养分资源管理》





1. 荣获2023届中国农业大学“优秀毕业生”称号。

2. 荣获2021-2022学年中国农业大学“三好学生”称号。

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